How to get 100 followers on Medium?
Thanks to all my Followers who follow me.
How would I be familiar with the medium??
Before Starting to write about the Main topic, I need to enlighten you concerning My excursion and How I Ran over on medium.
One day I have gone through a Youtuber name Khalil Ullah Khan. He Talk’s about How to write a Blog On medium. I just clicked his Youtube video Link and it’s snap me. I Gather information about Medium and created an account here.
I Published my First Blog here. Before this Platform, I Write on another website I write here About Fashion and skin care products From Janurary .
After posting blogs I see a blog name something like this Get 100 followers in a week. I began to look through this Topic and was inspired. Then I write my Blog Need 100 Followers?
Now Comes The main Topic.
Follow Other Writers:
While following individual journalists indiscriminately is for the most part disliked, it is an extremely powerful technique for getting your initial 100 supporters.
I’ve tried this utilizing my other Medium records and the outcomes are overpowering. Particularly in the event that you have a couple of articles posted.
Medium permits you to follow 140 new records each day. Assuming that you are centered around arriving at your initial 100 devotees, I’d profoundly propose “maximizing” this cut-off a few times each month.
Highlight, Respond to Other Articles:
Answering other journalists’ Medium articles, applauding their articles that you appreciate, and featuring sections in their articles that you found especially adroit is one more extraordinary method for expanding your following on Medium.
These commitment procedures depend on a significant number of similar fundamental standards that made sense in the past point on following new journalists. Essentially, responding, applauding, and features generally sign to different authors that you drew in with and that you partook in their substance.
Attempting to arrive at 100 supporters on Medium to be qualified to apply for the Medium Partner Program can overwhelm from the start, for new journalists. Furthermore, on the off chance that you utilize these strategies consistently, you could undoubtedly arrive at 100 supporters in the span of possibly 14 days like me.